Running remotely with Google Colab

The simplest way to use pyCapsid is using this colab notebook which runs pyCapsid on a free Google cloud-based platform in a Jupyter environment. The Colab notebook is self-documenting and is designed to be simple to use. The Colab notebook has built in methods for visualizing the results for small structures using NGLView, but we recommend installing molecular visualization software UCSF ChimeraX locally for high-quality visualizations of larger structures.



Requires python 3.8-3.10. If you have an older version of python you may download a new version of python from here. Alternatively, you may use conda, a python package manager, to create a new virtual environment in which to install pyCapsid. You can get conda here.

Via pip:

If you have python 3.8-3.10 installed, simply use pip, which will install pyCapsid and all of it’s dependencies.

pip install pyCapsid

If you have a version of pyCapsid already installed, use the ‘–upgrade’ flag to update it.

pip install --upgrade pyCapsid

Via conda:

If you have an incompatible python version and don’t want to upgrade we recommend installing and using conda to create a virtual environment with its own python version and install pyCapsid. First, create a new virtual environment with its own Python version using conda and then activate it.

conda create -n pycapsid -y
conda activate pycapsid
conda install -c luque_lab -c conda-forge pycapsid

GPU acceleration with CuPy (experimental)

Cupy may be used to accelerate the calculation of low-frequency modes on GPUs using CUDA. To install cupy alongside pyCapsid, use the following command to install them together:

conda install -c luque_lab -c conda-forge pycapsid cupy

This may take some time to install. For further information on installing cupy see cupy’s installation documentation. The speed improvement from GPU acceleration will depend heavily on your GPU, and will be limited by the memory available to your GPU.


Visualization in ChimeraX

For the highest quality visualization of the results we recommend downloading and installing UCSF ChimeraX. pyCapsid has been tested on ChimeraX versions 1.5 and 1.6.

Visualization in Jupyter Notebook with NGLView

To install the necessary packages for visualizing the results in a Jupyter notebook. Via pip:

pip install jupyterlab ipywidgets==7.7.2 nglview

Via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab ipywidgets==7.7.2 nglview

High Performance Computing (HPC) Installation

The most recommended way to install PyCapsid on an HPC is by creating a conda environment to manage its dependencies.

A good practice when using servers is to avoid redundancy in software installations. Before installing conda, it is advisable to check if it is already available on the server through environment modules. This can be done with the following command once logged into the HPC:

module avail anaconda

Una vez que comprobamos que anaconda3 está disponible en nuestro servicio HPC, podemos cargarlo como un módulo.

module load anaconda3

or if you know the path to the anaconda installation:

source /share/apps/anaconda/anaconda3_build/bin/activate

After this, we will know that anaconda has been loaded into our session when we see the text (base) preceding our prompt or by evaluating the output of a command like conda --version or which python.

With conda running in our session on the HPC, we proceed to create and activate an environment for pyCapsid with the recommended version of Python (3.10):

conda create -n pycapsid_HPC python=3.10
conda activate pycapsid_HPC

From there the simplest way to install pyCapsid is with the following command:

conda install -c luque_lab -c conda-forge pycapsid

Alternatively, to ensure compatibility between dependency versions, these can be explicitly declared as follows:

conda install -c luque_lab -c conda-forge \
pycapsid=0.5.9 \
biotite=0.39.0 \
numba=0.58.1 \
numpy=1.23.5 \
scipy=1.11.4 \
matplotlib=3.8.2 \
seaborn=0.13.1 \
scikit-learn=1.3.2 \
statsmodels=0.14.1 \
markdown=3.5.2 \

Tested environment from UM Pegasus HPC

For convenience, the functional conda environment on the HPC (x86_64 CentOS 7) Pegasus at the University of Miami has been exported to the following YAML file:

# Conda environment that include all dependencies for PyCapsid
# with explicit versions

name: pycapsid_HPC

  - luque_lab
  - conda-forge
  - defaults

  - python=3.10.0
  - biotite=0.39.0
  - numpy=1.21.4
  - pandas=1.3.4
  - matplotlib=3.4.3
  - scipy=1.7.1
  - scikit-learn=0.24.2
  - requests=2.26.0
  - pytest=6.2.5 
  - pycapsid=0.5.9

Assuming the content of this file is contained in pycapsid_environment.yml, executing the following command from the same folder will replicate the environment:

conda env create -f pycapsid_environment.yml

To verify the installation of pyCapsid, load the environment and check that it can be imported from Python:

conda activate pycapsid_HPC
conda list | grep "pycapsid"

Site Last Updated: February 05, 2024