Git through command line
Here are some useful resources about using git through command line:
Basic git commands
- git –version
- To check the version of git
- git init
- This command initializes your local repository
- git status
- To check the status of the repository.
- Working area: Files that are not yet added to the repository are stored here (Untracked files)
- Staging area: Files that are going to be a part of the next commit
- git add
- To add files into the staging area from your workspace
- git commit -m “your message”
- This command lets you add your files to the local repository, -m gives you the option to pass a message
- git log
- This commands allows you to view all the commits and changes made by the user
- git clone “Repo_url”
- This command makes a copy of the remote repository and it’s branches on your local computer
- git branch branch_name
- This command creates a new branch
- git checkout branch_name
- This switches you from one branch to another